About Phegivef

    Having trained thousands of people since 1989 – with top schools, colleges, institutions, groups, individuals by providing unleashing knowledge that drives them to the path of excellence has now apprehend a new way, phegivef, envisioned the humongous desire on the field for a new way of creative verve.

    For its first five years - operated on small budgets that could fluctuate widely from year to year and with a modest audience made up of professional associates, friends, artists, schools, colleges, institutions, groups and a small core of aficionados now, the ideas and personas can be expressed and explored in many subtle and evocative ways.

    Considering each and every one who intently zest at any orb for enterprising the human urge – artistical, emotional and substantial, phegivef is the way that supports progress and concedes the human ardor to appreciate its huge limitless espouse.